IlGiradischi.com - Testine Dynavector DV20X2 H (alta uscita)

Testine Dynavector DV20X2 L (bassa uscita)

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Il prezzo originale era: €1.090,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €981,00.

Low output MC cartridge with Flux damper and Softened magnetism Output voltage : 0.3mV (at 1KHz, 5cm/sec.) Frequency response : 20 – 20,000Hz (±2dB) Channel Separation : 25 dB (at 1KHz) Channel balance : 1.0 dB (at 1KHz) Compliance : 12 x 10-6 cm/dyne Impedance : R=150 ohms / 5 ohms Stylus tip : Micro Ridge Nude diamond Cantilever : 6mm length hard aluminum pipe Tracking force : 1.8 – 2.2 grams Recommended load impedance: >1000 ohms / 30 ohms Weight : 9.2grams

COD: CRJAAG Categoria: Tag:


Testine Dynavector DV20X2 L (bassa uscita)

Low output MC cartridge with Flux damper and Softened magnetism Output voltage : 0.3mV (at 1KHz, 5cm/sec.) Frequency response : 20 – 20,000Hz (±2dB) Channel Separation : 25 dB (at 1KHz) Channel balance : 1.0 dB (at 1KHz) Compliance : 12 x 10-6 cm/dyne Impedance : R=150 ohms / 5 ohms Stylus tip : Micro Ridge Nude diamond Cantilever : 6mm length hard aluminum pipe Tracking force : 1.8 – 2.2 grams Recommended load impedance: >1000 ohms / 30 ohms Weight : 9.2grams

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